You were already in business with your brothers prior to starting Diaz Group with your sons. What made you decide to leave that business and start a new one?
First, the decision to leave the company I founded with my Brothers was not easy, but I made the sacrifice for my children, in order to give them a future — a future that they were asking for and ready to take on. Second, why not! This was an opportunity for me to take it easy!
Do you ever regret coming to live in the United States so many years ago?
I have never regretted coming to the USA. Much like others from Mexico, I came in search of work. I was not afraid to work hard and most importantly, to save money for my future. There are certain things like healthcare, work opportunities and a faster paced life that stand out to be bonuses but I am very happy and could not have made a better decision. Since I left, all of my family members made the same journey here to the United States, I met my wife in Chicago, where we have raised our 6 children together. Although I have not lived in Mexico for many years, I still do not forget where I came from and instill that culture and values within my family, as they are an important part of who we are.
What advice do you give to your grandchildren?
If I can share advice with my grandchildren it would be for them to be good people, to be positive, always looking ahead and never to forget their family, as we are united and always here for each other.